Report to/Rapport au :


Planning Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme


and Council / et au Conseil


12 January 2010 / le 12 janvier 2010


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Manager/Gestionnaire intérimaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 15134


Barrhaven (3)

Ref N°: ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0025








ZONAGE – 3664, chemin greenbank et partie du 3640, chemin greenbank





That the Planning Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 3664 Greenbank Road and Part of 3640 Greenbank Road from DR (Development Reserve Zone) to O1 (Parks and Open Space Zone), R3Z (Residential Third Density Subzone Z), R3Z [xxxv] (Residential Third Density Subzone Z Exception xxxv), R3Z [xxxw]-h (Residential Third Density Subzone Z Exception xxxw with a holding symbol), R3Z [xxxx]-h (Residential Third Density Subzone Z Exception xxxx with a holding symbol), R3Z [xxxy]-h (Residential Third Density Subzone Z Exception xxxy with a holding symbol), and R5Z [xxxz]-h (Residential Fifth Density Subzone Z Exception xxxz with a holding symbol) as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité de l'urbanisme recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer la désignation de zonage du 3664, chemin Greenbank et d’une partie du 3640, chemin Greenbank de DR (Zone d’aménagement futur) à O1 (Zone de parc et d’espace vert), R3Z (Zone résidentielle de densité 3, sous-zone Z), R3Z [xxxv] (Zone résidentielle de densité 3, sous-zone Z et exception xxxv), R3Z [xxxw]-h (Zone résidentielle de densité 3, sous-zone Z, exception xxxw dotée du symbole d’aménagement différé), R3Z [xxxy]-h (Zone résidentielle de densité 3, sous-zone Z, exception xxxy dotée du symbole d’aménagement différé) et R5Z [xxxz]-h (Zone résidentielle de densité 5, sous-zone Z, exception xxxz dotée du symbole d’aménagement différé) comme il est indiqué dans le Document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le Document 2.





The subject property is 30.5 hectares in size, situated approximately 200 metres south of the intersection of Greenbank Road and Cambrian Road. 


The land is currently vacant and dominated by agriculture fields with small areas of woodland, forest and hedgerows.  Immediately to the north are lands of a recently developed residential subdivision known as “Half Moon Bay North”, to the east are lands of a planned residential subdivision known as “Stonebridge Phase 11”, to the south are vacant urban lands and to the west are rural lands.


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The purpose of this Zoning By-law Amendment is to allow for the development of a new subdivision, known as “The Meadows,” which contains approximately 581 dwelling units in the form of single-detached, semi-detached, multiple attached and stacked dwelling units and two park blocks.  The related plan of subdivision application (File No. D07-16-09-0037) was recently draft approved.


Existing Zoning


The subject property is currently zoned DR (Development Reserve) under Zoning By-law 2008-250.  The purpose of the Development Reserve Zone is to recognize lands intended for future urban development while allowing limited interim uses.  


Proposed Zoning


The proposed amendment is to change the existing zoning from DR (Development Reserve) to the following parent zones: O1 (Parks and Open Space Zone), R3Z (Residential Third Density Subzone Z), and R5Z (Residential Fifth Density Subzone Z). 




Official Plan and Community Design Plan  


The lands are designated as General Urban Area in the Official Plan and are located in Area 3 of the Barrhaven South Community Design Plan (CDP) that received Council approval in June 2006.  The CDP requires that low, medium and high density residential units, a portion of a community park and a portion of the neighbourhood park be developed on the subject lands.  The Land Use Plan and Demonstration Plan in the CDP illustrate how the mix of units and densities can be distributed over the entire community in order to meet the Official Plan target of at least 29 units per hectare.  


Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision


The proposed draft plan of subdivision includes a mix of housing types with an overall density of approximately 30.1 units per net hectare. The distribution of residential uses and parks is consistent with the land use designation in the CDP. The proposed subdivision includes a road network of a grid pattern with sidewalks along most streets to connect residential uses with amenities such as parks, schools and a community centre. The proposed transportation network aligns with the CDP policy for a walkable and connected community. 


Details of Proposed Zoning 


The proposed zone for Area A (as shown on Document 1) is O1 – Parks and Open Space Zone, to allow a community park and a neighbourhood park.  The proposed parent zone for Areas B, C, D, E and F is R3Z – Residential Third Density Subzone Z, which permits a range of residential uses including single-detached, semi-detached and multiple attached dwellings.  The proposed parent zone for Area G is R5Z – Residential Fifth Density Subzone Z, which permits a range of medium to high density residential uses including stacked dwellings.


An exception is proposed for Areas C, E, F and G to specify a minimum distance of 5.5 meters between a building foundation to a front lot line or a corner lot line. It is intended to address concerns relating to sensitive marine clay soils that are found in the subdivision specifically in Areas C, E, F and G.  The required distance helps ensure trees planted in areas that contain sensitive marine clay soils will be located a sufficient distance from building foundations so that the potential of the trees’ rooting system to undermine building foundations, which can occur in such soils, can be minimized.  The exception for the foundation setback is in accordance with urban design guidelines in the CDP, which provides that yard setbacks along streets shall be in the range of 3-6 meters to establish a strong street edge. The parent zone will continue to dictate the setbacks for the remainder of the buildings such as the private garage entrance setback, as set out in the endnotes.


A holding symbol is proposed for Areas D, E, F and G to recognize that although the proposed land use and zoning in these areas are regarded as appropriate, the drainage area identified in the original Barrhaven South Master Servicing Study has been modified.  As a result, development may not occur and the holding symbol may not be lifted in these areas until the aforementioned Master Servicing Study is updated and approved.


An additional holding provision is proposed for Areas F and G to recognize that parts of these areas are located on the edge of 300-metre setback from a Sand and Gravel Resource Area, as designated in the Official Plan.  The policies under the Official Plan Sections 3.7.4 and 3.6.1, as well as Section 7.8.3 under the CDP, specify that development of potentially conflicting lands uses (such as the creation of new lots or rezoning to permit dwellings) shall not be considered within 300 metres of a Sand and Gravel Resource Area unless an Impact Assessment Study is completed to demonstrate the compatibility between the development and the mineral aggregate operation including any future expansion in depth or extent will not be affected by the development.  The policies allow a scenario of a conditional zoning to consider development with adequate buffering or separation distance.  By placing a holding provision on Areas F and G, the development may not occur in these areas until an Impact Assessment Study is submitted and approved.  Further the draft plan of subdivision shows Areas F and G as “Blocks” and not “Lots”, which will require additional planning applications prior to these properties being severed or transferred.




The proposed land uses and density are consistent with the policies and Land Use Plan in the CDP.  The proposed parent zones are suitable to ensure development in accordance with the designated uses. The exception and holding provisions are necessary and sufficient to address concerns as noted above.  Staff recommend approval.


Concurrent Application 


The related plan of subdivision application (File No. D07-16-09-0037) was recently draft approved.




The subject property has been identified as the potential habitat for the Bobolink, a bird species, which is protected as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Through subdivision draft approval conditions an Environmental Impact Statement is required to be submitted to assess the habitat potential.


The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority commented on works related to watercourses and municipal drains. Those comments have been incorporated into the subdivision draft approval conditions.




The subject property is adjacent to the General Rural Area to the southwest.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  Consultation details are included in Document 3.




The Ward Councillor is aware of this application.




There are no legal/risk management implications associated with this report.




The proposed development is in harmony with the City Strategic Plan in that it provides a mix of various dwelling types which contribute to a range of choice of housing.  The grid layout of the development helps create a walking, transit, and cycling-oriented community.  The infrastructure required for the development is planned to be built or improved as needed to service the growth.








There are no direct financial implications associated with this report.




The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the need to review the related draft plan of subdivision application prior to the approval of this Zoning By-law amendment application.




Document 1    Location Map

Document 2    Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3    Consultation Details




City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant,, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                DOCUMENT 1



DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                    DOCUMENT 2


Proposed Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law


1.            That the lands known municipally as part of 3640 Greenbank Road and 3664 Greenbank Road, shown as Areas A to G in Document 1, be rezoned as follows:

Area A from DR to O1

Area B from DR to R3Z

Area C from DR to R3Z [xxxv]

Area D from DR to R3Z [xxxw]-h

Area E from DR to R3Z [xxxx]-h

Area F from DR to R3Z [xxxy]-h

Area G from DR to R5Z [xxxz]-h


2.            Area C, R3Z [xxxv]:

-          minimum front and corner side yard setback for a building foundation: 5.5 m


3.            Area D, R3Z [xxxw]-h:

-          the holding symbol may only be lifted until such time as the updated Barrhaven South Master Servicing Study is approved by the City.


4.            Area E, R3Z [xxxx]-h

-          minimum front and corner side yard setback for a building foundation: 5.5 m

-          the holding symbol may only be lifted until such time as the updated Barrhaven South Master Servicing Study is approved by the City.


5.            Area F, R3Z [xxxy]-h

-          minimum front and corner side yard setback for a building foundation: 5.5 m

-          the holding symbol may only be lifted until such time as:

    1. the updated Barrhaven South Master Servicing Study is approved by the City.
    2. an Impact Assessment Study which demonstrates the compatibility between the residential uses and the mineral aggregate operation, is approved by the City.


6.            Area G, R5Z [xxxz]-h

-          minimum front and corner side yard setback for a building foundation: 5.5 m

-          the holding symbol may only be lifted until such time as:

    1. the updated Barrhaven South Master Servicing Study is approved by the City.
    2. an Impact Assessment Study which demonstrates the compatibility between the residential uses and the mineral aggregate operation, is approved by the City.


CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                             DOCUMENT 3




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments. 




Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee (Summary):


“Although the treed areas are not large woodlands, it would be beneficial to conserve them as part of the proposed parks and school grounds: After all, there is no sense in clear-cutting fully mature treed areas only to lay down grass and plant new trees in the end. The continued argument that grade raises prevent the retention of trees is counterproductive. The planning of the community is supposed to integrate the natural elements of the site, “Design with Nature”, and incorporate the significant vegetation like Oaks and Maples of 50cm dbh and larger.


“We recommend that the two parks and school sites be situated where the mature treed areas are located, to take full advantage of the natural features of the property and demonstrate the integration of the existing mature vegetation can be incorporated into the proposed development.”

Staff response


A Tree Conservation Report was submitted which suggests that due to the insignificant size and species of the existing vegetation, as well as the proposed grading raise of one to two meters, tree retention is not possible on the subject site.  This report was reviewed by the City Forester and deemed acceptable.  The Urban Tree Conservation By-law 2009-200 is applicable to the subject property. The conditions for draft approval of the related subdivision require the applicant to proceed to tree-cutting by phases and update and refine the Tree Conservation Report to meet the requirements outlined in Schedule A of the Urban Tree Conservation By-law (2009-200) prior to registration of each phase of the subdivision.


The proposed location of parks and schools is consistent with the Council approved Barrhaven South Community Design Plan.